Your web projects
Your web project is your identity. The web agency adjusts, not only the future website according to the expectations of the customers, but also of your image.
Website creation
Web development, webdesign and SEO to create your website.
A website on which to present your products and services to customers, promote their advantages, explain their use without selling them online.
A website to improve your image and establish your notoriety. It serves to promote your image to customers, partners or the media.
You need open source software to create and update your web content, this is without being an expert in the programming language.
Web and mobile development
To create a website available on all digital media: PC, Smartphone and tablet. This greatly increases your presence and visibility on the web.
Créer un site internet performant, comme CBS OUTDOOR par exemple, qui réponde aux exigences des moteurs de recherche et permette de séduire et convertir les internautes.
Creating a website that automatically adapts to the medium used by the Internet user without having to create several versions for each terminal.
Web project, get started now!
Today more than ever, your presence on the web with interesting websites such as AGENCE De Communication is more than essential to boost your turnover.
Logo and web design
Graphic charter
Writing web content
Web editing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Optimized contents
Consulting and web audit
Website analysis
Design/UX Design
User Experience
Digital marketing
Digital strategy: our consultants will advise you!
Trust our experts to define your graphic charter, create your logo, develop your editorial line, create your web content, analyse your targets, create your web and mobile applications, expand your network on social networks and approach your customers through newsletters and a blog.
Mobile development technology
Mobile application development technologies. Technologies adapted to your project.
Web & mobile development
Mobile applications
In the same way as for the creation of web applications (website, e-commerce,…), it is fundamental to establish a good expression of needs. We will then select the best qualified technology to meet your objectives. Within the framework of the creation of mobile applications, there are a number of possibilities. You need to study so-called native, hybrid or cross platform solutions.
Our digital agency specialises in the design and development of applications and uses the latest technologies on a daily basis. Is your idea for a mobile application in the final stages of development? Let’s study together the most suitable technology.
Quality of interactivity
Ne confondez pas le design UX avec la convivialité et l’ergonomie de votre site Web, même si ces dernières contribuent au succès du premier. Considérez dans sa globalité le ressenti de l’internaute lorsqu’il interagit avec vous, via l’interface de votre site internet, l’appareil numérique sur lequel il se connecte ou le service qu’il recherche.
Afin d’avoir un impact émotionnel positif sur l’internaute lorsqu’il visite votre site, navigue sur vos pages web, teste vos produits/services ou entre en contact avec un responsable, vous devez mettre à jour votre stratégie de design UX. Ce faisant, vous devez proposer une interface agréable à utiliser, une structure d’informations bien connectée, un aspect visuel qui capte l’attention et la disposition des pages à l’écran. Le site TECH EVENTS en est un bon exemple.
Our SEO experts to optimize the SEO of your website
Targeted content and HTML markup to properly reference your website.
Social networks, conquer and retain your customers
Popular networks
Social media have invaded the daily lives of consumers. They have become indisputable references to define their consumption patterns. You must then be present on social networks and create waves to influence prospects.
First define your targets in order to choose the appropriate networks: Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn or Viadeo. Hire a community manager to manage your social networks and their link with your website. Update posts, add links to more detailed content, encourage action (like, share, tweet) and crown it all with a call to action. Social networks are a nest of customers that must be exploited intelligently.